The Gig Force

GIG Economy

Write for us

Do you want to write for You’ve come to the right place.
Please read through these guidelines before submitting a piece to our editorial team. Important note: Our publication queue for how-to articles and opinion pieces is now some 15 days long; in an effort to reduce that wait, we are compelled to be extremely selective.

What We Publish

Here’s a list of what we publish from guest contributors:

  • Daily how-to articles for our website.
  • Daily summaries of research findings based on polls, surveys, and research studies conducted by telecom, managed service providers, academia, PR firms, and other researchers
  • Occasional opinion articles (op/ed-type pieces), but we accept only those that offer particularly valuable insights and views that can’t easily be found elsewhere. (Please note: We will no longer have a separate editorial process, or a section in our newsletter, for opinion pieces.)
  • Infographics, several times per week

How to Get Your article Published on

We get a lot of submissions. Following these guidelines will increase your chances of getting your article published in

  • Write from an objective viewpoint and convey valuable how-to information to the reader. Focus on practical advice, actionable tips, and useful know-how about a specific telecom and IT topic or approach to managed services. Bullet points are good.
  • Use a fresh, approachable voice. You are a person writing for other people. So, sound like one.
  • Offer clear takeaways for our (and your) audience—mostly B2B business, by the way. Articles should be at least 800-1,000 words, but no more than 1,200 or so. Feel free to include images, charts, graphs, and the like—but only if they help convey a point.
  • Articles should be original to the author and unpublished elsewhere. (Infographics can have appeared elsewhere.)
  • Include a brief bio of 25 words, including LinkedIn and Twitter contact info, if available, and a recent headshot (make sure your entire head and neck are in the picture).
  • Include relevant links immediately preceding the words to be linked (the anchor text); do not embed the links in the anchor text (but feel free to underline that anchor text).
  • Submit articles in Microsoft Word format (no PDF files, please), as email attachments.
  • If you submit an article that mentions businesses or companies in which you have a vested interest, disclose as much to us and the audience.

We will inform you if your article has been accepted for publication; expect to hear from us within a week or two of our having received your email.

My Article Was Selected for Publication. Now What?

  • Your article will be edited for clarity and brevity, and to conform to the’s house style.
  • We will probably change your headline, too, so you might want to suggest alternatives.
  • The author retains copyright and may republish the article on his/her personal or company blog or site after the article has been published on In such cases, we ask that you cite and link to the original article on our site.
  • may also reprint your piece, with full attribution, in’s products, including marketing materials.
  • We do not pay guest contributors for their articles.
  • Our article queue is long, and publication will take a months or so. (We’re working to shorten publication time.)